Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hi gang: This is a great family....thing! It's an opprotunity to have some fun and keep everyone informed of family doings. Thanks, Ryan and Meagan for this Fathers day gift to all us. Lets all check on it often. Dad

1 comment:

Jess,Linda, and kids said...

Wow, what a great idea! This will be fun, now just show me how to post pictures. Corbin started kindergarten this week and Kyler started 2nd grade last week and lost his first tooth on Weds. at school.He was very excited, the tooth fairy came and everything! So as soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will get some up of both big events.

It is a little late so I will get back on in the morning and see what I (or Linda most likely) can figure out.