Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sorry its been a while

Thanks for the birthday wishes Meg and Ryan. Linda and the boys have already gone to bed so they cannot respond but I will make sure that they get on soon and read your posts.

I hope to be better at getting on and posting, Linda and I have been experiencing computer problems as of late but I think we have them solved.

Meg, we are excited for the arrival of our new cousin and nephew,we hope everything is going well and that your hanging in there. Also, congrats on the new house, post some pictures so we can check it out.

We did have a great time on the hunt, it was probably the best hunt we have ever had. It was pretty funny to hear Linda scream when she pulled into the garage to see a headless, hideless carcass hanging there. Kyler didn't want to even look at it and went straight in the house, Corbin on the other hand was quite intruiged and was only concerned about where its head was. Pretty funny stuff.

Life is a little stressful right now with Linda trying to start at the new hospital, and this is always a crazy time of year for me workwise. At least soccer and football is over until spring, I coached both Kyler's flag football team and Corbin's soccer team and it was quite a challenge but worth every minute.

Our football team went undefeated (you dont really keep score at this age but I accidentally kept track just in case the kids were wondering) thanks to my complex offensive scheme, which consisted of the QB sweeping to the right or the left. Very complex. Corbin's soccer team did very well also, he scored a lot of goals and refused most of the time to sub out of the game. We are very excited about next fall because Gavin will be starting his first soccer season, as he turns 3 just before the season starts. That should be pretty entertaining, watching him hit the other kids and kick the ball with his knees, be like adults playing with a beach ball. Mean while he will keep hitting his brothers for practice.

Anyway, Kyler will be baptised next Saturday, hope to see you guys there and if not we will understand. Keep us posted on the baby and hope to see you soon.

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